In the middle of a Global Pandemic, on November 27th, 2020, the Belfort Family and all their www.belfortlifestyle.com members packed together at BFL West Boca location, 23 thousand meals for those who were affected directly or indirectly by Covid.
With the BFL charity program, where part of the gyms revenue are donated to T4T and with the extra donations we were able to help and make this event happen!
According to Feeding Florida, there are 800,000 children in Florida who need food! That hungry child could be living just down your block.
One dollar donation provided three meals for local kids and their families.
This packing event provided 23,000 meals that were balanced in carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Each meal was FDA approved for a shelf life of two years after we measured and pack the ingredients.
Thanks to all BFL members and Neighboors2Bridge that make this event happened.